How to make a dock for you iPod touch!

iPod Touch Retail Box (just the top)
iPod Touch Dock Adapter
iPod Touch USB Cable

Single Sided Tape
Double Sided Tape

Hole Template

Matte (or X-acto) Knife
Ruler or Marked T-Square

Prep box

1. Tear out foam inside the box
2. Print template (the PDF)
3. Cut out template
4. Center template on box (4 cm from the left and right side, 3.2 cm from the top and bottom)
5. Tape template to box (the long flat side of the template is the front)
6. Cut out hole
7. Cut out small hole in the center of the bottom edge of the back side of the box for the USB cable

Place Dock Adapter in Hole

1. Place double sided tape on back of dock adapter
2. Place dock adapter in hole

Attach Cable

1. Tape USB Cable into place (the gray logo faces front)
2. Place USB into notch in the back

Place iPod in Dock

1. Run USB cable out the whole on the back of the box
2. Attach USB port to computer
3. Place iPod in dock